Understanding How To Streamline Your Company

Understanding How To Streamline Your Company

Other Uses For Wire Mesh You May Not Have Considered (But Probably Should!)

Carrie Gomez

Wire mesh is typically used for sifting and sorting screens. However, it does have some other valuable uses. These uses are rarely discussed, since they are not commonly used. If people were to talk about these uses more, there is a higher probability that such uses would become more common. Regardless of what industry you are in, or what your hobbies are, you should try giving some of the following alternative uses for wire mesh a try.

Filtering Gases

There are numerous gases used in industrial processes, some of which have larger than usual particles in them. When you do not want an accumulation of these particles inside the works of the machines that use these gases, you can install pieces of fine or ultra-fine mesh to filter out the particles and release just the gases into the works. The results are machines that work much better, require less maintenance, and/or produce a higher quality product.

Creating Patterns in a Paint Job

Whether you use powder coating or spray paint, wire mesh can help you create very unique patterns and textures. Want fine droplets of one color against a backdrop of another color? Use fine mesh to create a spray screen in front of the paint sprayer or powder coat applicator. Want large texture splatters? Use a larger, more open mesh to allow larger splatters of paint or powder coat through to create the desired splotches.

With so many different weaves and opening sizes in wire mesh, you are bound to find something that really excites you and creates fun designs. Best of all, because the mesh is made of metal wire, you can dunk the mesh in paint removers and thinners to clean the mesh. You can reuse the mesh as often as you want when you clean it in between jobs. 

Filtering Sludge from Oils and Greases

A survivalist method of recycling, wire mesh can be used to remove sludge from oils and cooking greases. The mesh "purifies" these liquids and semi-solids so that you can reuse and repurpose them. If that is of interest to you, read up on the process. Then purchase the right size of wire mesh for the project. You may also need a few large, empty coffee cans, since they are the perfect mini-"barrels" into which to pour and filter the oils and greases. The mesh sits on top of the cans while you pour the greases and oils through it. Everything that is more liquid goes through into the can. Everything that is more solid sits on top of the mesh.


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Understanding How To Streamline Your Company

After I started working for a big business, I realized that their manufacturing processes were a little troubled. I had worked in several factories before, so I knew some different tips that could really help them. I started talking with them about ways to make things better, and they seemed to really appreciate the input. Within a few months, things were moving along better and I even got promoted because of the helpful advice. This blog is here to help any company to make better decisions regarding its industrial and manufacturing plant. You never know how much time and money it could save you in the long run.